Posted by BDM Historian.
This is more or less a test entry to make sure that everything in the notepad is working as it should. If anyone finds any deficiencies or problems, please let me know by commenting on the entry or sending me an email.
Today, I want to talk a little about the traditions bar seen on some of the Gau triangle insignia, such as the one on the right. The girl in the photo is a member of the Youth Leadership Staff - RJF means Reichsjugendfuehrung - and the wide stripe at the bottom of her patch is a silver tress. This "stripe" is called the traditions bar.
The traditions bar was awarded to members of the League who'd been members prior to 1933 and "without a break thereafter," as the paperwork states.
I was surprised to find that the information David Littlejohn provided on this bar in his book "The Hitler Youth" was incorrect, even though the rest of his book is a very good resource. According to Littlejohn, the bar was awarded to units that had been in existence prior to 1933 - but, in fact, it was only awarded to individuals.
The award was given along with a document certifying that the bearer was allowed to wear it because she was a member prior to 1933 and without a break thereafter. I have a picture of such a document in the "badges and insignia" section on the main website.
My colleague Stephan also recently found another version of this certification in form of a stamp in a BDM membership card. The text on the stamp conveys the same than the text on the document, and it is stamped with the stamp of the Untergau and signed by the Untergaufuehrerin.