Jungmaedel Service
April 05, 2006

Posted by BDM Historian

If you are a researcher or student interested in learning more about the Jungmaedel, you can now purchase a translated version of the book, "The Jungmaedel Service - An Overview of the nature, form, and work of the Jungmaedel League". (Click on the cover to go to the order page.)

This small book is a direct translation from a booklet published in 1940 by the National Youth Leadership Staff introducing the Jungmaedel League to new members as well as their parents. As such, it includes a wealth of information for any student or scholar interested in this time period: a short history of the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls, a comparative unit structure, as well as rules and regulations that governed the girls' appearance and behavior during their duty.

The book also includes detailed information about uniforms and equipment, including descriptions of the cut and color, information on where to purchase these items, and which clothing and equipment articles were allowed to be used with civilian dress as well.

Includes four black-and-white illustrations from the original book: two charts on the organization of the Hitler Youth and the Path of the German Girl, and two drawings showing the different uniforms and the uniform / equipment labels found on proper issue items.

The book has color covers featuring some photographs from my collection and is otherwise printed in black-and-white. It is a softcover edition and a little over 40 pages thick. Perfect bound. Price for the book is $10 which covers the print-on-demand manufacturing cost, binding cost, and a $3 royalty that will go to support this website so we can continue to bring you all this research and these archives without any kind of advertising or "pay-to-access" sections!

Copyright Notice

Under the Berne Convention Act pertaining to copyright, materials that were published between 1923 and 1963 without any kind of copyrights or rights notice, are considered to be in the public domain and may be reprinted, translated, and otherwise used.

The original booklet, which we are planning to publish in the future, does not include a copyright notice and may therefore be reprinted or translated. This book includes absolutely no anti-semitic or otherwise offensive material.

Copyright of the translation is 2006, Chris Crawford.